Lake Stats
- Acres: 465
- Max Depth: 23 feet
- Mean Depth: 10 feet
- Bottom: 35% sand, 15% gravel, 0% rock, 50% muck
- DNR Contour Map: Click Here
- DNR Interactive Map: Click Here
- Google Maps Location: Click Here
Fish Species
- Largemouth Bass (Common)
- Northern Pike (Common)
- Panfish (Present)
Watch us fish Pokegama on September 25th
There is one public landing at Pokegama on the south end of the lake.

From Old Bass Lake Rd, turn north onto Brancel Rd, which is a gravel road that dead ends at the lake.

The road opens up into a nice big turn around area, which is also used for parking. If the parking spots are full, you can always park on the edge of the road.

The boat launch is gravel with an aluminum dock, which makes off loading your boat easy here.

Most of Pokegama’s shoreline is low lying wetland, so it is mostly undeveloped. That makes it a nice scenic lake to fish. The last time I was here, I saw six eagles all circling overhead. It was a beautiful sight against the tree lined shore.
Pokegama is a long skinny lake, oriented north to south. On the far south end, where the boat launch is, the lake is at its widest. It is good fishing right as you leave the landing.

There is lots of bottom structure for the fish. If you stay near the shore line, you will be in 5 to 10 feet of water with plenty of submerged vegetation for the fish to hide in. The lake drops down to 20 plus feet out in the center. The far north end gets shallow and narrow.

Pokegama is only a few minutes drive to the town of Minong, WI. It’s a small town, but you can pick up all your supplies there. They have a grocery store, bait shop, gas station, and a few places to eat.
Fishing Experience
I’ve been on this lake a few times. I always do about the same. A bunch of very small northerns, a few decent bass, and abundant panfish. We had fun catching the small northerns, but I wouldn’t come here if that’s all your after.

It is known for it’s bass fishing though, and there are some decent ones in here. I’ve never caught a trophy bass on Pokegama, but most seem to be in the range of 13-14 inches.

If you like fishing bluegills and crappies, this would be a fun lake for you. Below are two spots to check out for catching panfish.

I usually see other boats hanging out in the bay on the southeast side. They always appear to be catching panfish. I did well myself on the northwest side of the lake. There is a shelf that jets out into the middle of the lake. The water there is 5-8 feet deep. Troll around on that shelf until you find a patch of weeds, then throw your favorite bait in. You should be able to catch a bucket full of bluegills.
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