English Lake Stats
- Acres: 232
- Max Depth: 40 feet
- Mean Depth: 12 feet
- Bottom: 70% sand, 10% gravel, 20% rock, 0% muck
- Google Maps Location
Fish Species in English Lake
- Panfish (Abundant)
- Musky (Common)
- Largemouth Bass (Common)
- Walleye (Common)
- Northern Pike
Watch us fish English Lake in late September
Boat Landing a English Lake

To get to the boat landing on English Lake, you will turn off County Rd GG, and head north on Boat Landing Rd. Its a gravel road that cuts through a thick forest. The landing is on the south end of the lake.

The boat landing is what you would expect from a small backwoods lake in Wisconsin. Its a shallow gravel launch with no dock. It does have a small area to get your rig turned around though.

As far as parking goes, there is no official parking space here, but there is room to pull off alongside the gravel road.
Commentary on English Lake

I got a tip from a viewer of my YouTube Channel about three small lakes in northern Wisconsin that contained a high number of muskies. English lake was one of those lakes, so I had to check it out.

English Lake is a good example of a lake I like to fish. Its fairly small, but big enough to hold some decent fish, and its in the middle of nowhere with very little fishing pressure. As you can see, this lake is surrounded by woodlands. It makes for some stunning scenery.

This is a September sunset photo, just after a rain storm.

Obviously, when you are this far back in the woods, you will see lots of wildlife. Here is a great shot of an eagle waiting to see if we catch anything.
In case you’re wondering what the other two muskie lakes are, here you go… The bottom left you got Mineral Lake, followed by Potter Lake, the smallest one, and then in the upper right you have English Lake.
The only info I could find about this lake before going here, was from the Wisconsin DNR website. It didn’t mention anything about northern pike being in these waters. It does say there are muskie in here, so I assumed that it was just a muskie lake with little or no northern pike. After fishing here. I can definitely tell you that it contains plenty of northern pike.
Fishing Experience on English Lake

I fished here with Reggie in late September. We were on a fishing trip in northern WI, and trying to hit two lakes each day. We got to this lake around 2pm, but it was pouring rain, so we ended up falling asleep in the truck for a couple hours. When we woke up, the rain was ending, but we only had about two hours of sunlight left.

Reggie got the first fish, a 10 inch bass, which we had some fun calling it an “English Bass.”

This lake is basically two roundish lakes connected by a channel. We did most of our fishing in the first part of the lake. As we worked our way closer to the channel where the two lakes connect, we noticed a lot of reeds sticking out of the water. It looked like great northern pike waters, but I was thinking that this lake didn’t contain any.

Then we caught several of these little guys. This one was only 18.5 inches, which seemed to be the average here.

We were running out of daylight, so we went though the channel to check out the other part of the lake.

This other part of the lake had a noticeable change in the shoreline. It was a steep rocky shore, compared with a shallow weedy shore of the other side. The fishing didn’t seem as good either, so we headed back.

We caught a few more small pike before going back to the landing. This was a fun photo, comparing the size of Reggie’s muskie lure to the northern pike he just caught.
Thanks for visiting Go Midwest Fishing Lake Reviews. Also, check out our other articles, like “The Best Coleman Lantern.” Meet us personally on my YouTube channel.